All about prostatitis

Reasons and causes of prostatitis
Sexually transmitted diseases, stress, immune deficiency, addictions (alcohol abuse), sedentary lifestyle (sedentary job), prolonged sexual abstinence, frequent constipation.
Prostatitis occurs in 50% of men over thirty years, but can occur much earlier at 18 and 20 years. And the reason for this may not be colds or sitting on the cold stone (although these factors may also lead to prostatittis)/ It is enough just to lead a sedentary lifestyle, travel mainly by car and have no permanent sexual partner. If all of these factors are present – you are sure to get prostatitis. Another thing is how it will manifest itself: it can be chronic, hardly noticeable or may result in an attack of unbearable pain. However, all patients have such symptoms of prostatitis as decreased libido and weakness of erection.
Symptoms of prostatitis
Among the main symptoms of prostatitis the following can be named: pain in the perineum, lower back, pain when urinating, more than 12% of patients get pains during intercourse. If you have noted any of these symptoms of prostatitis, you should seek medical advice since appropriate and timely treatment of prostatitis is the key to successful recovery.
The main symptoms of prostatitis
- pain in the perineum or lower abdomen;
- frequent, painful urination;
- problems with potency and decreased libido;
- discomfort in the perineum after sex.
The first symptom of Prostatitis - urinary difficulty - should be a good reason for you to go and see your urologist. Inflamed prostate constricts urethra, which leads to violation of urination.
How dangerous is prostatitis?
In the absence of qualified treatment typical consequences of prostatitis are sexual dysfunction - impotence, ejaculation disorders (in particular - rapid ejaculation). Prostatitis can go into a chronic form. Chronic prostatitis can lead to kidney stones, and sperm deficiency which may result in to infertility.
Chronic prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis has been known for a long time, and has always been considered an incurable disease. Fortunately, it can be cured however! Chronic prostatitis is a neglected case of inflammation. It manifests in urinary difficulty, nagging pains in the perineum and groin, sexual dysfunction. This form of prostatitis occurs with periodic exacerbation and remission periods.
The most common is bacterial chronic prostatitis. Usually this is the result of repeated or undertreated accute urethritis, which can be caused by more than 20 species of bacteria, the most common among them - chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma. These infections are united by the scarcity and brevity of clinical manifestations. Most commonly this declares itself through itching in the channel when urinating. Very quickly ascending these bacteria get into the prostate, where they find ideal conditions for their livelihood.
Prostatitis used to be considered not harmful for health which now proves to be a totally erroneous opinion. It is necessary to treat chronic prostatitis at least because this disease gives men a lot of complexes. So it is of vital importance to treat each case individually depending on the patient’s age, anamnesis and the stage of the inflammatory process.
Treatment of prostatitis
It is a mistake to suppose that taking one or two drugs is enough to cure prostatitis. It is a complex, multi-functional process. After the necessary examination urologist and andrologist select an individual program, which includes antibiotic therapy, herbal medicine, immune correctors, physical therapy, physiotherapy, preventive measures.
Treatment of prostatitis requires a great deal of attention from a physician. The “magic pill” or “magic remedy” for prostatitis doesn’t exist. Treatment of prostatitis should always be complex.
Worldwide, men are paying their own health no less attention than women. Every self-respecting man, after 25 years, at least once a year for preventive purposes should visit a medical specialist and undergo examinations, and if necessary treat prostatitis. If there are any health problems, dear men, do not delay your visit to a specialist. Prostatitis can be treated successfully when treatment is started promptly.
It’s not by chance that doctors call the prostate a man's heart. In this organ which resembles a chestnut all natural male power is concentrated. The prostate is located at the crossroads of the urinary and genital system, so if any of the organs of these systems is out of order it immediately affects sexual life and makes urination painfu.
But the most unpleasant is that all diseases of the prostate occur gradually and imperceptibly. A man may be uncomfortable for many years in the perineum and lower abdomen, complaining of erectile dysfunction being unaware that the problem is in prostate disease.
Physiotherapy is absolutely necessary: diathermy, laser prostate massage, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs and substances that enhance human immunity. Acupuncture is another helpful method in the treatment of prostatitis.
An integrated approach to treatment of prostate
Only an integrated approach can guarantee “cure” not :treatment”. After all, what happens most commonly is that a man comes to the urologist who prescribes some pills and the situation obviously improves. But in two or three months the man has to go see the doctor again. And all this is not so cheap. Therefore, to treat prostatitis should be treated as a disease but one should always bear in mind that in recent years many experts believe that prostatitis is not just a disease but a result of our lifestyle. Therefore, cure is only half the story, you also have to make sure that the adverse effects of our lifestyle is lessened if you want to avoid recurrences.
In this regard, it is strongly recommended that patients who have undergone treatment should exclude alcohol and tobacco for a period of 2 to 6 months after treatment, live an active life (enough to go 2-3 km per day on foot to reduce the negative the impact of inactivity), do sports, spend more time outdoors, protect yourself from stressful situations and, most importantly, maintain a regular sexual life.
Patients with a history of prostatitis should be supervised by a urologist for another two years. Every half a year in spring and autumn, it is recommended to pass the ultrasonic examination in order to avoid recurrence and exacerbation of disease.
Nowadays doctors have sufficient experience to successfully treat complex forms of prostatitis. Urologists andrologist succeed in treating advanced forms of prostatitis and chronic prostatitis.
Remember prostatitis can be cured. It is vital to treat it prostatitis , because the disease can affect not only you but also for your girlfriends, and create a major problem in conceiving a child.
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